× czas was created, designed and edited by Waldemar Pranckiewicz since April 2000. During first 5 years the website had three goals. Firstly to present Pranckiewicz's net art, secondly to introduce an interesting artistic projects and thirdly to produce selected materials (texts and images) in a form of electronic publications. From April 2000 till December 2012 the czas website had an address: http://czas.free.art.pl In December 2012 the content of the website was moved to http://rrose.org

Over the 12 years the website presented works by following artists and individuals: Stanisław Dróżdz, Andrzej Dłużniewski, Matthew Fuller and 0100101110101101.ORG, Mi_ga (Mindaugas Gapševicius), Leszek Golec & Tatiana Czekalska, Piotr Rypson, Tilman Baumgärtel's interviews with: Julia Scher, Mark Napier, Surveillance Camera Players. The website hosted as well Polish version of Pierre Cabanne's Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp translated by Ewa Mikina. Between 2000 and 2003 the English texts were translated by Agnieszka Licznerska.

From December 2012 czas mainly documents Waldemar Pranckiewicz's art inspired by Internet, technology and collaborations with other people.